154 research outputs found

    Volumetric relief map for intracranial cerebrospinal fluid distribution analysis

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    International audienceCerebrospinal fluid imaging plays a significant role in the clinical diagnosis of brain disorders, such as hydrocephalus and Alzheimer's disease. While three-dimensional images of cerebrospinal fluid are very detailed, the complex structures they contain can be time-consuming and laborious to interpret. This paper presents a simple technique that represents the intracranial cerebrospinal fluid distribution as a two-dimensional image in such a way that the total fluid volume is preserved. We call this a volumetric relief map, and show its effectiveness in a characterization and analysis of fluid distributions and networks in hydrocephalus patients and healthy adults

    Étiquettes vocales et utilisateur en situation d'illettrisme

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    National audienceTextual alternatives are insufficient to meet the needs of people with illiteracy and illectronism. We propose a new interface component named "Voice Labels" to overcome the difficulties of usability of people in such situations. User tests carried out on the ground in Burkina Faso are described. They highlight that the understanding of the interface impacts its manipulation, both at the level of the task (understanding of what it is necessary to do), and at the level of fine motor action (execution of tapping on the touch interface and finger sliding).Les alternatives textuelles sont insuffisantes pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins des personnes en situation d'illettrisme et d'illectronisme. Nous proposons un nouveau composant d'interface nommĂ© "~Étiquette vocale~" permettant de palier les difficultĂ©s d'utilisabilitĂ© des personnes dans de telles situations. Suite Ă  des tests utilisateurs effectuĂ©s sur le terrain au Burkina Faso, nous mettons en Ă©vidence que la comprĂ©hension de l'interface impacte sa manipulation, Ă  la fois au niveau de la tĂąche (comprĂ©hension de ce qu'il faut faire), mais Ă©galement au niveau de l'action motrice fine (exĂ©cution des tapotements sur l'interface tactile et glissements de doigts)

    Biological invasions in agricultural settings: insights from evolutionary biology and population genetics

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    Invasion biology and agriculture are intimately related for several reasons and in particular because many agricultural pest species are recent invaders. In this article we suggest that the reconstruction of invasion routes with population genetics-based methods can address fundamental questions in ecology and practical aspects of the management of biological invasions in agricultural settings. We provide a brief description of the methods used to reconstruct invasion routes and describe their main characteristics. In particular, we focus on a scenario - the bridgehead invasion scenario -, which had been overlooked until recently. We show that this scenario, in which an invasive population is the source of other invasive populations, is evolutionarily parsimonious and may have played a crucial role in shaping the distribution of many recent agricultural pests

    Les impacts des changements climatiques sur la santĂ© au QuĂ©bec : l’exemple de l’Estrie

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    L’Organisation mondiale de la SantĂ© (OMS) soutient que les changements climatiques reprĂ©sentent la plus grande menace pour la santĂ© dans le monde au 21e siĂšcle. Ceux-ci influencent nĂ©gativement plusieurs dĂ©terminants sociaux et environnementaux de la santĂ© comme l’accessibilitĂ© Ă  la nourriture et la qualitĂ© de cette derniĂšre, l’eau et l’air. Blessures, impacts psychosociaux, aggravation de maladies respiratoires, malnutrition, maladies infectieuses, dĂ©cĂšs : les consĂ©quences sanitaires sont susceptibles d’affecter les populations sur tous les continents. Le Canada se rĂ©chauffe deux fois plus rapidement que la moyenne mondiale en raison de sa proximitĂ© au pĂŽle Arctique, oĂč le rĂ©chauffement est accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© comparativement Ă  l’équateur (Bush et Lemmen, 2019). Ainsi, le QuĂ©bec n’est certainement pas Ă  l’abri des changements climatiques. Dans le Sud de la province, les tempĂ©ratures moyennes observĂ©es ont augmentĂ© de plus d’un degrĂ© depuis 1970 et des rĂ©percussions se font dĂ©jĂ  sentir dans notre environnement. Ce rĂ©chauffement, accompagnĂ© d’une plus grande variabilitĂ© du climat (augmentation du risque d’orages, de tempĂȘtes et d’extrĂȘmes hydromĂ©tĂ©orologiques en gĂ©nĂ©ral), reprĂ©sente un dĂ©fi grandissant pour les professionnel.le.s de la santĂ©. Dans la rĂ©gion de l’Estrie, les professionnel.le.s de santĂ© publique ont effectuĂ© une analyse qui leur ont permis d’identifier quatre principaux problĂšmes environnementaux associĂ©s aux changements climatiques, soit : les vagues de chaleur; les inondations; les tiques Ă  pattes noires; le pollen de l’herbe Ă  poux. Ces problĂšmes ont des impacts importants sur la santĂ©, c’est-Ă -dire potentiellement graves ou qui touchent un grand nombre de personnes. Le stress et les pertes (humaines et matĂ©rielles) engendrĂ©es par ces diffĂ©rents problĂšmes environnementaux peuvent aussi reprĂ©senter une source majeure de problĂšmes psychologiques significatifs pouvant persister dans le temps. De plus, ces impacts sont variables selon les diffĂ©rents contextes sociaux des individus et des communautĂ©s, gĂ©nĂ©rant des inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales de santĂ©

    Polychromatic guide star: feasibility study

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    International audienceAdaptive optics at astronomical telescopes aims at correcting in real time the phase corrugations of incoming wavefronts caused by the turbulent atmosphere, as early proposed by Babcock. Measuring the phase errors requires a bright source located within the isoplanatic patch of the program source. The probability that such a reference source exists is a function of the wavelength, of the required image quality (Strehl ratio), of the turbulence optical properties, and of the direction of the observation. It turns out that the sky coverage is disastrously low in particular in the visible wavelength range where, unfortunately, the gain in spatial resolution brought by adaptive optics is the largest. Foy and Labeyrie have proposed to overcome this difficulty by creating an artificial point source in the sky in the direction of the observation relying on the backscattered light due to a laser beam. This laser guide star (hereinafter referred to as LGS) can be bright enough to allow us to accurately measure the wavefront phase errors, except for two modes which are the piston (not relevant in this case) and the tilt. Pilkington has emphasized that the round trip time of the laser beam to the mesosphere, where the LGS is most often formed, is significantly shorter than the typical tilt coherence time; then the inverse-return-of-light principle causes deflections of the outgoing and the ingoing beams to cancel. The apparent direction of the LGS is independent of the tilt. Therefore the tilt cannot be measured only from the LGS. Until now, the way to overcome this difficulty has been to use a natural guide star to sense the tilt. Although the tilt is sensed through the entire telescope pupil, one cannot use a faint source because $APEX 90% of the variance of the phase error is in the tilt. Therefore, correcting the tilt requires a higher accuracy of the measurements than for higher orders of the wavefront. Hence current adaptive optics devices coupled with a LGS face low sky coverage. Several methods have been proposed to get a partial sky coverage for the tilt. The only one providing us with a full sky coverage is the polychromatic LGS (hereafter referred to as PLGS). We present here a progress report of the R&D; program Etoile Laser Polychromatique et Optique Adaptative (ELP-OA) carried out in France to develop the PLGS concept. After a short recall of the principles of the PLGS, we will review the goal of ELP-OA and the steps to get over to bring it into play. We finally shortly described the effort in Europe to develop the LGS

    Polychromatic guide star: feasibility study

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    International audienceAdaptive optics at astronomical telescopes aims at correcting in real time the phase corrugations of incoming wavefronts caused by the turbulent atmosphere, as early proposed by Babcock. Measuring the phase errors requires a bright source located within the isoplanatic patch of the program source. The probability that such a reference source exists is a function of the wavelength, of the required image quality (Strehl ratio), of the turbulence optical properties, and of the direction of the observation. It turns out that the sky coverage is disastrously low in particular in the visible wavelength range where, unfortunately, the gain in spatial resolution brought by adaptive optics is the largest. Foy and Labeyrie have proposed to overcome this difficulty by creating an artificial point source in the sky in the direction of the observation relying on the backscattered light due to a laser beam. This laser guide star (hereinafter referred to as LGS) can be bright enough to allow us to accurately measure the wavefront phase errors, except for two modes which are the piston (not relevant in this case) and the tilt. Pilkington has emphasized that the round trip time of the laser beam to the mesosphere, where the LGS is most often formed, is significantly shorter than the typical tilt coherence time; then the inverse-return-of-light principle causes deflections of the outgoing and the ingoing beams to cancel. The apparent direction of the LGS is independent of the tilt. Therefore the tilt cannot be measured only from the LGS. Until now, the way to overcome this difficulty has been to use a natural guide star to sense the tilt. Although the tilt is sensed through the entire telescope pupil, one cannot use a faint source because $APEX 90% of the variance of the phase error is in the tilt. Therefore, correcting the tilt requires a higher accuracy of the measurements than for higher orders of the wavefront. Hence current adaptive optics devices coupled with a LGS face low sky coverage. Several methods have been proposed to get a partial sky coverage for the tilt. The only one providing us with a full sky coverage is the polychromatic LGS (hereafter referred to as PLGS). We present here a progress report of the R&D; program Etoile Laser Polychromatique et Optique Adaptative (ELP-OA) carried out in France to develop the PLGS concept. After a short recall of the principles of the PLGS, we will review the goal of ELP-OA and the steps to get over to bring it into play. We finally shortly described the effort in Europe to develop the LGS


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    In this brief communication we provide the rationale for and the outcome of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) resolution vote at the XXIXth General Assembly in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 2015, on recommended nominal conversion constants for selected solar and planetary properties. The problem addressed by the resolution is a lack of established conversion constants between solar and planetary values and SI units: a missing standard has caused a proliferation of solar values (e.g., solar radius, solar irradiance, solar luminosity, solar effective temperature, and solar mass parameter) in the literature, with cited solar values typically based on best estimates at the time of paper writing. As precision of observations increases, a set of consistent values becomes increasingly important. To address this, an IAU Working Group on Nominal Units for Stellar and Planetary Astronomy formed in 2011, uniting experts from the solar, stellar, planetary, exoplanetary, and fundamental astronomy, as well as from general standards ïŹelds to converge on optimal values for nominal conversion constants. The effort resulted in the IAU 2015 Resolution B3, passed at the IAU General Assembly by a large majority. The resolution recommends the use of nominal solar and planetary values, which are by deïŹnition exact and are expressed in SI units. These nominal values should be understood as conversion factors only, not as the true solar/planetary properties or current best estimates. Authors and journal editors are urged to join in using the standard values set forth by this resolution in future work and publications to help minimize further confusion

    Magneto-inertial navigation (principles and application to an indoor pedometer)

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    Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente la technique de navigation magnĂ©to-inertielle (MINAV) qui utilise les perturbations du champ magnĂ©tique en complĂ©ment de capteurs inertiels (accĂ©lĂ©romĂštres et gyromĂštres) pour la localisation d'un corps rigide en mouvement. On Ă©tudie des rĂšgles de conception, ainsi que des procĂ©dures opĂ©ratoires nĂ©cessaires Ă  la mise en pratique dans des conditions rĂ©elles. Un exemple de systĂšme complet, le "podomĂštre magnĂ©to-inertiel", permettant la localisation d'un piĂ©ton Ă©voluant dans des zones oĂč le GPS est indisponible, est prĂ©sentĂ©.PARIS-MINES ParisTech (751062310) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Vers un partitionnement automatique d'applications en codelets spéculatifs pour les systÚmes hétérogÚnes à mémoires distribuées

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    Devant les difficultĂ©s croissantes liĂ©es au coĂ»t en dĂ©veloppement, en consommation, en surface de silicium, nĂ©cessaires aux nouvelles optimisations des architectures monocƓur, on assiste au retour en force du parallĂ©lisme et des coprocesseurs spĂ©cialisĂ©s dans les architectures. Cette technique apporte le meilleur compromis entre puissance de calcul Ă©levĂ©e et utilisations des ressources. Afin d exploiter efficacement toutes ces architectures, il faut partitionner le code en tĂąches, appelĂ©es codelets, avant de les distribuer aux diffĂ©rentes unitĂ©s de calcul. Les travaux prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cette thĂšse portent sur l Ă©laboration d un outils d automatisation efficaces pour le partitionnement d application en codelets spĂ©culatifs. La spĂ©culation permet un grand nombre d optimisations inexistantes ou impossibles statiquement. La deuxiĂšme contribution de cette thĂšse porte sur l usage de la spĂ©culation dans l optimisation des communications entre processeur et coprocesseur.In light of the increase of development cost, power consumption and silicon area for new single-core architecture optimisations, the new way for performance improvements leads to multicore architecture, with parallel programming and specialised coprocessors. They give the best trade-off between high computing performance and required resources. In order to efficiently address this new kind of architecture, applications have to be split into tasks, also called codelets, which will be mapped onto the different computing units of the host system. The purpose of this thesis is to propose an automatic and efficient model to generate speculative codelets from applications. Speculation allows the compiler to handle a number of optimisations which would have been impossible or unavailable without speculative data. My second contribution deals with the data transfer optimisation between the processor and the coprocessor by using speculation.RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocRENNES-INRIA Rennes Irisa (352382340) / SudocSudocFranceF
